Edalia Day on projection mapping in performance - Collusion

Edalia Day on projection mapping in performance

An introduction to using dynamic projections in live theatre

Collusion’s ART // TECH // PLAY video series shares insights from artists about their work with creative technologies, aiming to spark curiosity and act as an introduction for others who would like to incorporate similar techniques into their work and practice.

Edalia Day is a spoken word artist, video designer and theatre maker based in Norwich. Trained at Lecoq and Alra, her theatre is visually stunning, with physical comedy, interactive video projection and a child like sense of play at the heart of everything she makes. Info on Edalia’s work can be found at edaliaday.co.uk. Pretty To Punch and Super Hamlet 64 are available online. 

Music: Inspired, by Ketsa, from the album Loss To GainCreative Commons license.

Further Resources

See useful resources for virtual production in our Padlet with definitions, examples and types of hardware and software to use.


  • Arts Council England