Artist callout // Must Farm Bronze Age settlement - Collusion

Artist callout // Must Farm Bronze Age settlement14 June 2024

The Life in the Bronze Age – The Must Farm Settlement project seeks three artists to take part in an exciting research project bringing the story of an incredible Bronze Age homestead and its astonishing material to new audiences. Collaborating with the Cambridge Archaeological Unit, the University of Cambridge and Collusion, artists will work with the project to create proposals for new immersive artworks. 

Artists are invited to submit a short expression of interest – read the full brief and apply here. Deadline: 12 noon on Thursday 11 July 2024.

The Cambridge Archaeological Unit are keen to explore proposals  for immersive arts projects that address one or more of the following areas of interest:

  1. Connect with new & particularly Fenland audiences: Archaeology struggles to reach diverse audiences. In the UK 97% of professional archaeologists are white and events attract white, middle-aged/older audiences. Similarly, Must Farm is an example of Fenland’s rich prehistoric past, an area full of present day towns and villages. How can we connect with new audiences and communities in these settings?
  2. Archaeological Process: Ideas that highlight how archaeologists work and challenge the stereotypes associated with the profession (archaeology is not treasure hunting). Archaeology is about discovery, how do we bring that to life for audiences?
  3. Interpretation: Archaeology is all about interpreting the evidence we uncover and creating theories of what we think happened based on the artefacts we recover and data we collect. How can we empower non-archaeologists to question evidence and choose from different interpretations (or develop their own?)
  4. Relevance: Why is investigating the past important today? Why should people care about the history of where they live? Can learning about life in the Bronze Age impact life today? 

Proposed ideas should help to transport audiences to the world of Must Farm and must involvement engagement with local communities.

Successful applications will participate in a two-day research and development Lab in early September that will inform the development of a proposal for an immersive artwork, to be delivered somewhere in Cambridgeshire. Collusion will support selected artists consider their proposals. Following submission, the partners will select which of the proposed artworks to support through to delivery.

Artists are invited to submit a short expression of interest including on outline of their idearead the full brief and apply here. Deadline: 12 noon on Thursday 11 July 2024.